onsdag 8 november 2023

Angel of love.

For two weeks I have been looking for a title for this publication and I have finally found it, thanks to one of the greatest phenomena that occur when one begins to live a new life, but directed by the Spirit.
Angel of love, that is precisely the one that since I was a child I learned to always keep in mind, whatever one does or wherever one is.
She has always been with me on this blog and I miss her when I'm not working on a new publication.
One of the things that I have only recently managed to realize is that through this blog I have achieved some type of contact with true angels, although they themselves do not realize how much it means to me that they know me or that they are still in my Facebook and Twitter accounts.
I am referring for example people from the USA , UK, Brazil, Germany, India, France, Singapore, Chile and of course Novelicious on my Twitter account and who owns the images that accompany this publication and many more around the world.
In a time as convulsed as the present, it is of great value to have the help and company of angels since their contributions are of peace, well-being, harmony and feelings of appreciation towards the good and the beautiful.
My own angel of love wanted to give testimony of my spiritual experience, since it is something that with all my heart I would like you to also be able to share and verify in this way the magnificence of the greatest of all phenomena, that of the Life.

Matthew 4:11
"Then the Devil left him and suddenly angels appeared and looked after him".

Psalm 34:7
"The angel of Jehovah is camping all around those who fear him and rescues them.
Taste and see that Yahweh is good".

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